Welcome to the XBOX 360 page, home of the 'Bell Friends'

3 symettrical cores at 3.2ghz each

512 DDR3 RAM running at 700mhz

ATI 500mhz custom graphics processor

48khz 16bit audio

3x USB 20.0 ports

All games supported at 16:9 720p and 1080i

20ghz Hard Drive




Gamertag: Jazz Monkey Jr

Name: Mal

Age: 31

Favourite Games: Call of Duty 2, Oblivion, Ghost Recon: AW, PGR 3

Likes: Driving Games, FPS



Gamertag: Doer1

Name: Graham

Age: 30

Favourite Games: Call of Duty 2, PGR 3, Ghost Recon: AW

Likes: Driving Games, Shooting Games


Gamertag: AbhorsenUK

Name: Paul

Age: 30

Favourite Games: Oblivion, Battlefield 2: MC

Likes: FPS, RPG